Research Participants Needed: What do stroke survivors think about motivation for rehabilitation, and how can therapists help?
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Stroke survivors and their carers are invited to take part in a workshop to share your experience with rehabilitation (including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy) after stroke.
Research Participants Needed: An intensive upper-limb rehabilitation system (NeuroVirt) intervention for stroke survivors
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Researchers at University of East Anglia are looking for participants to help test a new Virtual Reality device that has been developed for people after stroke to help arm movement. The device, NeuroVirt, uses virtual reality games to motivate stroke survivors to do exercises.
Research Participants Needed: Factors that may Predict Growth after Experiencing a Stroke
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A research team at the University of Hull would like to talk to people who have experienced a stroke between the last 6 months and 2 years ago about their experiences of growth since experiencing a stroke.
Research Participants Needed: Smart wearable device (gaitQ) that helps people with long-term conditions affecting movement walk better
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Researchers at the University of Exeter are looking for stroke survivors to help test a device to help people with mobility issues. Participants will fill out questionnaires, and complete walking and balancing tasks with and without the gaitQ device.