We strive to make all our information clear to read and easy to understand.

All of our publications use accessible design. This means we use a clear typeface in a minimum 12 point size. We use good contrast, and leave space around pictures and text.


If you need information in audio, please contact feedback@stroke.org.uk.


We can produce braille copies of our publications on request. Just search for the publication you need, and email helpline@stroke.org.uk

If you use a screen reader or text-to-speech, we can send you an electronic version of the text.

Large print

You can download all of our publications in a large print Word document.

Find the publication you need and click 'Accessible formats' for the download link.

Communication problems

If you have trouble understanding speech, it can also be hard to read.

You can also read more about aphasia and communication.

For more advice about communication support, call our Helpline or email helpline@stroke.org.uk

Our Helpline

Our Helpline Officers have experience with communication problems.


  • Try writing down what you want to say.
  • Call from a quiet place.
  • Turn off the radio or TV.
  • Take your time.
  • Our Helpline Officers will not rush you.