Facebook Fundraising Challenges
Find out more about our Facebook Fundraising Challenges and how you can get involved. Join the community and raise vital funds to help rebuild lives after stroke – all through Facebook.
Factors that influence the effectiveness of conversation training for people with aphasia: who benefits most and which tasks really help people to learn new strategies?
Factors that influence the effectiveness of conversation training for people with aphasia: who benefits most and which tasks really help people to learn new strategies?
Failure of drainage of fluid from the brain along the walls of blood vessels in vascular dementia
This project aims to demonstrate that failure of drainage of fluid from the grey and white matter of the brain is a mechanism underlying Small Vessel Disease, a condition that affects the small blood vessels in the brain which can cause stroke and dementia.
Falmouth Stroke Cafe
Falmouth Stroke Club
Fasting after a stroke
You may wish to fast for personal or religious reasons. Is it safe to fast after a stroke?
Fatigue after childhood stroke
With support and understanding, a child can learn ways to manage their fatigue after childhood stroke to lead an active life.
Fatigue after stroke
Fatigue after stroke; what are the important factors?
This research will study 300 stroke survivors who have fatigue but not depression. It aims to identify factors independently associated with fatigue after stroke to help doctors find the best ways to treat and manage the condition.
Fatigue and tiredness
Find out why you may experience severe tiredness (known as fatigue) after a stroke and what can be done to help you manage it.