Infographic with text. 60% stroke survivors have received less support from health and care services than usual

The stark effects of the pandemic evidenced throughout the Stroke recoveries at risk report show that stroke must remain a key clinical priority for NHS England and Improvement and Public Health England's successor, in the restoration and recovery phase and beyond. Any further delays to Long Term Plan stroke implementation risks placing a huge burden on health and care services in future.

We urge that revised timescales for delivering Long Term Plan stroke targets are agreed as soon as reasonably possible, with actions taken to address the concerns raised in this report.

In addition to the UK-wide recommendations, the report has clear recommendations for England:

  • NHS England and Improvement must prioritise stroke commitments in the Long Term Plan, to mitigate against stroke survivors being further impacted by the pandemic and to make sure that stroke care in England continues to make the progress it needs to.
  • ISDNs should work with people affected by stroke and other system partners to deliver on commitments in the National Stroke Programme in local areas and enable stroke services to meet the national clinical guidelines for stroke.

David's story

David, 59, from Leeds, had a stroke at the end of February 2020, just a few weeks before lockdown. David talks of the impact of his stroke and how COVID-19 has meant he has received less care and support with his recovery than he would have liked. Read David's story