Website links policy
This page summarises our policy on website links from and to our site.
Tags: Policy, Privacy
Our policies on acute stroke care
Our policy positions on acute stroke care set out where we stand on big issues around acute care of stroke.
Tags: Policy
Our policies on prevention
Our policy positions on prevention set out where we stand on big issues around prevention of stroke.
Our policies on rehabilitation
Our policy positions on rehabilitation set out where we stand on big issues around rehabilitation after stroke.
Our policies on research
Our policy positions on research set out where we stand on big issues such as using animals or stem cells in research.
Cross-cutting issues
Our policy positions on other cross-cutting issues set out where we stand on big issues around health inequalities, childhood stroke, data and IA, stroke and international development, and the stroke workforce.
Tags: Policy
Our policies on life after stroke
Our policy positions on life after stroke set out where we stand on making sure that stroke survivors should access to the correct assistance to rebuild their lives and regain independence after their stroke.
Tags: Policy
How do treatments of swallowing problems after stroke affect risk of chest infection?
The intended outcome of this project is to find new knowledge to help guide future policy on the reduction of chest infection risk after stroke.
Organisational policies
Our organisational policies provide us with a framework to ensure that we behave and make decisions in an ethical and socially responsible manner.
UK stroke guidelines
These stroke guidelines and policies benchmark the level of care stroke patients should expect from their local services across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.