Alex Lilja
Physical health
Image of video camera recording

The Stroke Association is collaborating with the charity, A Stroke of Luck again this year to produce a new 4-week exercise programme, based on the same mobility competency groups Red, Amber and Green.

Our last Stroke Specific Exercise Programme was so popular that we have decided to make another one, only this time it will be a 4-week programme with improvements based on the feedback we received in the last programme.

We also wanted to give you a quick sneak peak on how the production process is going and would love to hear how the exercise programme has helped you.

These exercise videos have been designed for people who have had a stroke and include exercises at three different mobility levels just like the previous programme.

Red group is for people with limited mobility.

Amber group is for those with some mobility.

Green group is for people who are independently mobile.

Physical exercise is a core part of the stroke recovery journey, whether you are able to do a little bit on your own or need a carer with you, the important first step is to start and to incorporate physical activity in your daily routine.

No one knows this better than Founder of charity A Stroke of Luck, Craig Pankhurst, a stroke survivor himself who champions exercise based recovery since his stroke in 2018. Craig is undoubtedly passionate about exercise based recovery, his wealth of experience and knowledge when it comes to physical health has enforced how important it is to incorporate exercise in your recovery after a stroke, especially at the early stages.

Putting together this programme has been a very important piece of work for the Stroke Association and Craig and his team of neurophysiotherapists Nicole Lavin, Mark Watterson and Becky Robins who have put together their time, care and years of expertise into creating a programme that would be efficient for stroke recovery, fun to follow and varied for both stroke survivors and carers to take part in.

The Stroke Association production team and the A Stroke of Luck team have worked hard to bring this project together and hope that you enjoy it too, we've included some new features like countdown clocks on the videos so it will be easier to follow and coaching notes will be available as well so you can follow the exercises that works best for you.

We aim to launch this programme in March/April and hope you will all enjoy it as much as the last one.

The programme will be available on the My Stroke Guide YouTube channel so please do subscribe to receive push notifications when a new video is released every week, you will also be able to find the videos on our blog.

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