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Help support stroke survivors

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Mark and his wife Victoria smiling at the camera

Every five minutes, stroke destroys lives. It can happen to anyone, of any age, at any time.

Mark Gater, 57, had a life-changing stroke in April 2018, while at home with his wife Victoria.  She’d seen the adverts for FAST but never realised until that moment just how important that would be. 

With courage and determination recovery is possible, but right now things are even tougher. We’re taking more calls on our Helpline, and providing new digital and phone support services, so we can help people to rebuild their lives during these difficult times.

Please donate today, so that we can give every stroke survivor the support they desperately need.

Thank you so much.

Dr Mair looking at brain scans

Donate £50

Could help fund critical research that facilitates life-changing discoveries, supporting people to rebuild their lives after stroke.
Photo of a Stroke Association Support Line Officer wearing a telephone headset.

Donate £25

Could help someone find hope by talking to us and getting the emotional support they need to rebuild their life after stroke.
Members of the Solihull Stroke Group playing dominos

Donate £10

Could help us provide group support to stroke survivors, giving them confidence for their recovery.