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Help support stroke survivors

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Claire looking at the camera and smiling

Every five minutes, stroke destroys lives. 

Claire has been a Stroke Association Support Coordinator for almost five years. Her job has changed a lot since the coronavirus outbreak.

“We’re often the first people that stroke survivors see after they come out of hospital. It’s really important the Stroke Association is there to offer practical and emotional support.

I’d rather somebody ring me than sit on their own and be worrying or crying or upset, not knowing who to turn to. We understand stroke, we understand the effects and the toll it takes.”

Please donate today, so you can help Stroke Coordinators like Claire be a lifeline to isolated stroke survivors in their recovery. Thank you for your support.

Dr Kieron and another researcher in the lab

Donate £50

Could help fund critical research that facilitates life-changing discoveries, helping us support people after stroke.
Photo of a Stroke Association Support Line Officer wearing a telephone headset.

Donate £25

Could help someone find hope by talking to us and getting the emotional support they need to rebuild their life after a stroke.
Photo of a stroke survivor wearing a turban smiling to the camera

Donate £10

Could help us provide group support to stroke survivors, giving them confidence for their recovery.