Donate today

Help us to rebuild lives after stroke

Every month
£50 could help fund critical research leading to life-changing discoveries that will help more stroke survivors and their families find real hope for the future.
£25 could allow our Helpline to answer more calls from people affected by stroke, giving them the emotional support they need to begin rebuilding their lives.
£10 could help us deliver more support services, like Childhood Stroke Support, helping more families like Sebastian’s.
A regular gift of £7 could help fund critical stroke research that could rebuild lives and even save them.
A regular gift of £5 could enable our Stroke Support Coordinators to continue giving people the emotional and practical support they need.
A regular gift of £3 could help us reach more people with My Stroke Guide, empowering them to manage their recovery.
Rosemary and Kerry smiling at camera
Dr Mair sat at a desk looking at pictures of brain scans
Stroke Association helpline worker wearing headset smiling
Mother and son smiling at camera
Dr. Gargi portrait image
Stroke survivor Stacey sat with Stroke Association advisor
Bill and Andrea looking at iPad

Every five minutes, stroke destroys lives. Life changes instantly and recovery is tough. Stroke can cost people their ability to move, communicate and lead their everyday lives. Many survivors experience emotional changes, anxiety and depression.

The impact of a stroke can be completely life-altering, but so can the impact of your help. We're the UK’s largest charity dedicated to improving the lives of stroke survivors and their families.

Thanks to supporters like you, we can provide specialist services, fund critical research and campaign to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. 

Please donate today*. Together we can rebuild lives after stroke.

*Your gifts will help fund vital work – such as research projects, the Stroke Helpline and support groups – and help stroke survivors and their families rebuild their lives.