
Support stroke survivors with a regular gift

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Every month
Portrait image of Alex smiling at camera

Every five minutes, stroke destroys lives.

Stroke is a medical emergency. It can happen to anyone, of any age, at any time. The impact can be devastating, costing people their ability to move, communicate and lead their everyday lives. 

The effects of a stroke are life-changing.

  • Two-thirds of people who survive a stroke find themselves living with a disability.
  • 37% of working-age stroke survivors give up work following their stroke.
  • 6 in 10 stroke survivors rely on the help of a carer, often a family member or friend.

We need your help so we can reach more stroke survivors who need us.

We are the UK's largest charity dedicated to helping with the emotional, practical and financial cost of stroke. 

  • £10 a month could be part of a hardship grant for a stroke survivor struggling to pay for basics like food and clothing.
  • £7 a month could help pay for a stroke coordinator to visit the homes of families affected by stroke.
  • £5 a month could help fund a phone call to our stroke support helpline for a family member struggling over the festive season.

Regular gifts enable us to plan our critical work in advance. By giving a small amount on a regular basis, you give us the confidence to commit to long-term projects, like funding pioneering research and crucial stroke services, knowing that we will have the funds available to support them into the future.

Please donate today and help more stroke survivors and their loved ones get the support they desperately need.