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Help stroke survivors get the support they need

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Every five minutes, stroke destroys lives.

With courage and determination recovery is possible, but right now, things are even tougher.

Rebuilding lives after stroke starts with rebuilding hope, and seeing the possibilities for recovery. Our Stroke Helpline acts as a "hope-line" to stroke survivors and their families, offering guidance and vital support. Find out how stroke survivors find hope through a call to our Stroke Helpline, getting the emotional support they need.

As a charity, donations are crucial for us to provide specialist support services like our helpline, fund critical research and campaign to help stroke survivors rebuild their lives after stroke.

Please donate today, so that we can give every stroke survivor the hope and support they need to put their lives back together again.

Thank you so much.

Emma looking directly at the camera

Donate £50

Help fund critical research that facilitates life-changing discoveries to help support people rebuilding life after stroke.
Simon, a Helpline advisor, at his desktop computer

Donate £25

Help someone find hope by talking to us, and getting emotional support they need to begin to rebuild a life after stroke.
Alex at his stroke group

Donate £10

Help us provide group support to stroke survivors, giving them confidence for their recovery.