Northern Ireland

Stroke survivors in Northern Ireland often tell us that they feel abandoned when they leave hospital and that they struggle to access the help and support they need to live well after their stroke, particularly emotional and psychological support. Long-term, life after stroke support has not received the same prioritisation and investment as hospital stroke care in Northern Ireland over the past decade. This needs to change. That’s why we’re calling on decision-makers and commissioners to invest in long-term, life after stroke services and the life after stroke workforce, and to ensure that all stroke survivors have access to emotional and psychological support. 


Stroke survivors in Wales often tell us that they feel misunderstood when trying to access the help and support they need to live well after their stroke. That’s why a service specification must be co-produced by people affected by stroke, to ensure that anyone who has a stroke in Wales has an excellent chance of surviving and returning to independence as quickly as possible. 

The NHS Executive’s work on the Transformation of Stroke Services should ensure that rehabilitation and life after stroke services are a priority in the stroke pathway, backed by funding from the Welsh Government. 

Are you a family member or close friend a stroke survivor? Help respond to the gap in mental health support for stroke survivors in Wales. Give your feedback on 3 ideas developed by stroke survivors.


Dywed goroeswyr strôc yng Nghymru wrthym yn aml eu bod yn teimlo bod pobl yn eu camddeall pan fônt yn ceisio cael at y cymorth a’r gefnogaeth y mae arnynt eu hangen i fyw’n dda ar ôl eu strôc.  Dyna pam mae’n rhaid i fanyleb gwasanaeth gael ei chydgynhyrchu gan bobl yr effeithir arnynt gan strôc, er mwyn sicrhau bod gan unrhyw un a gaiff strôc yng Nghymru gyfle ardderchog o oroesi a dychwelyd i annibyniaeth mor gyflym ag y bo modd.

Dylai gwaith Gweithrediaeth y GIG ar Drawsnewid Gwasanaethau Strôc sicrhau bod gwasanaethau adsefydu a bywyd ar ôl strôc yn flaenoriaeth yn y llwybr strôc, a gefnogir gan gyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru.

A ydych chi’n aelod teulu neu’n gyfaill agos i oroeswr strôc? Helpwch i ymateb i’r bwlch mewn cymorth iechyd meddwl i oroeswyr strôc yng Nghymru. Rhowch eich adborth am 3 syniad a ddatblygwyd gan oroeswyr strôc.


We are continually told by stroke survivors that their psychological and emotional needs are not met in their stroke recovery. These invisible effects are often overlooked yet can be as debilitating as any physical effects. 

The Scottish Government have acknowledged this in the Stroke Improvement Plan (2023) but there must now be a constructive effort to deliver on these commitments. Stroke survivors deserve parity between the physical and emotional recovery from their stroke. Read more from about this work and our recommendations in our briefing here.