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We now have aphasia-friendly guides available on how to download and use video calling apps Zoom, Skype and WhatsApp.

Connecting with our loved ones

Video calling with your loved ones is a great way to stay in touch, allowing everyone to see those close you care and love, allowing you to forge a close connection from afar.

But if our friends and family aren't that tech-savvy, trying to video chat can create frustration and annoyance for either party. We want everyone to enjoy the benefits of learning how to connect online, and now you can with our easy read aphasia friendly guides for video calling.

How we are plugging the gap

Those of us who are familiar with digital technology will at some stage have had to use an app, or download a new programme for our computer, and while this may come easy to us it may not be so much for others.

While companies do offer rather comprehensive instructions on how to use and download their products, many are lacking in having an aphasia-friendly version available.

The Aphasia Team have been working hard on developing aphasia-friendly 'how to' guides for video calling apps like Zoom, Skype and WhatsApp.

You can find instructions on how to use and download these apps on an iPhone, iPad, Android smartphone, Tablet and Desktop PC. It was important to us that we provide this guidance for people with aphasia so that we can all stay connected with the ones we love. Getting online for people with aphasia guide