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Having to fill out online forms can be stressful when you are expected to be able to do it yourself, unaided. And if you have aphasia this becomes quite a difficult task to do without any practice beforehand.

The Stroke Association has been working with Aphasia Voices to help people affected by aphasia and stroke get online. We've created an online activity where you can practise form filling exercises and security prompts like CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart).

Go to the form filling exercise

As CAPTCHA forms are becoming increasingly more common and act as a fail-safe to ensure that it is a person who is attempting to access an account or fill out an online form is in fact a human and not a machine attempting to access your accounts.

We also recommend looking at our Getting online for people with aphasia page. There you will find easy-to-read aphasia friendly information on how to get online, internet security, and much more.

We would love to hear your feedback about this activity, do let us know your thoughts and contact the team at