SEARCH: Scanning eye training for vision problems after stroke
Immediately after their stroke around 30% of people have a vision problem called hemianopia – loss of vision on one side of the visual field. This leaves them with a ‘blind side’ to their right or left. This project will investigate whether a new treatment can help stroke survivors with hemianopia to manage their vision problems.
Searching for medicines that can reduce damage after a bleed in the brain
This research will investigate 2000 drugs that are already known to be safe for use in humans to see if they could help reduce the amount of damage to the brain which an intracerebral haemorrhage (a type of stroke caused by a bleed in the brain) causes.
Season with Sense to reduce your risk of stroke
We’re partnering with LoSalt® for a #HealthierUK, to share tips and ideas for small changes that can make a big difference.
Second Chance Stroke Group
Seizures and epilepsy after stroke
Seizures and epilepsy after stroke
Some people can experience post-stroke seizures. A small number of people go on to develop epilepsy, which is a tendency to have repeated seizures. Find out about the different types of seizures and how epilepsy is diagnosed and treated.
Semantic assessment in aphasia
This project will focus on people with aphasia who have difficulty understanding the specific meanings of everyday words. As a result they may not be able to understand what people are saying, so communicating in everyday situations is hard.