Photo of Max with his family and cat.

Childhood stroke can affect babies (including in the womb), children and young people. Several hundred children are diagnosed with strokes every year in the UK. Here you will find support, information and helpful resources to help you understand childhood stroke.

If you've been affected by childhood stroke, our Childhood Stroke Support team is here. We’ll help you find answers to your questions and connect you with practical information, guidance, and support - whenever you need us. You can fill out a short form and we’ll get in touch or call us on 0303 3033 100 or email us at

You might also find it helpful to speak to one of our trained parent volunteers who have a wide range of experiences to share. All volunteers are parents of a child who has had a stroke.

Sebastian, a childhood stroke survivor, smiling with his mum

Getting support

Find help such as therapy, learning support and care.

What is childhood stroke?

Here is some practical information about stroke in children and babies.

Graphic showing illustration of young person

Effects of childhood stroke and recovery

Recovery is different for every child. Here is information on what to expect.

Parental tips

Some useful tips to help you and your family cope with the effects of stroke.

Graphic showing illustration of school

Returning to school

How to make your child's return to school as smooth as possible.

Cartoon illustrating professionals working with childhood stroke survivors

Childhood stroke resources

Useful resources for children, young people, professionals and parents.

Useful links