East Lancs Carers Group
East Sussex - Post-Stroke Reviews
Eat a healthy diet
Even making small changes to your eating habits can make a difference to your overall health, particularly if you have been told that you are at risk of having a stroke or TIA.
Eating well after a stroke
Type: News
Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help to support your recovery after stroke. Read our tips.
Eating Well After a Stroke: In Discussion with Wiltshire Farm Foods
In an eagerly awaited roundtable discussion, Clare Jonas from the Stroke Association, Wiltshire Farm Food's Dietician Emily Stuart, and Speech and Language Therapist Dr Sabrina Eltringham, address the issue of living with dysphagia after stroke.
Effects of stroke
ELAN: Comparing early versus late use of oral anticoagulant drugs in stroke patients with an abnormal heart rhythm
This study will investigate whether early initiation of direct anticoagulant drugs will be as safe as later initiation in stroke patients with an abnormal heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation). It will also investigate whether early initiation could lead to fewer recurrent strokes.
Emotional and behavioural changes after childhood stroke
Stroke can lead to emotional and behavioural difficulties, which you might notice at home or in childcare or education. There is plenty you can do to help, whatever stage your child is at.
Emotional changes
This page explains how a stroke can affect the way you feel, some of the emotional problems that can happen because of it and some of the things that can help to treat them.