Research Participants Needed: Trial of Online Exercises for Speech (Dysarthria)
Type: Research
Researchers at the University of Manchester are looking for people who would like to test a new online Speech and Language platform for treating Dysarthria. In particular they will test if the platform is easy and enjoyable to use.
Speech after stroke recovery study
Dysarthria is a type of speech problem. This research aims to understand the recovery from this speech problem, and how to measure it. This can lead the way for better treatments and care to be developed.
Aphasia Awareness Month 2023 #LetsTalkAphasia - Social media toolkit
Type: Campaigns
Join us on social media during Aphasia Awareness Month 2023 using the hashtag #LetsTalkAphasia to raise awareness of aphasia.
Communication after childhood stroke
Communication difficulties are common in children and young people following a stroke. There are things you, and the professionals working with your child, can do to help.
Aphasia and Communication
Our final report summaries
Type: Research
These summaries of our completed research projects highlight what work was undertaken, which aims were achieved and where the research is going next.
Communication problems
This page explains why many people have communication problems after a stroke, what kinds of problems they may have and how speech and language therapy can help.