Our policies on prevention
Our policy positions on prevention set out where we stand on big issues around prevention of stroke.
Ask your pharmacist
Season with Sense to reduce your risk of stroke
We’re partnering with LoSalt® for a #HealthierUK, to share tips and ideas for small changes that can make a big difference.
Stroke prevention
We have compiled the state of atrial fibrillation care for each CCG in England. How is AF care in your CCG?
High blood pressure
High blood pressure is one of the biggest stroke risk factors. It strains all the blood vessels in your body, including ones leading to your brain.
The role of animals in stroke recovery
Eat a healthy diet
Even making small changes to your eating habits can make a difference to your overall health, particularly if you have been told that you are at risk of having a stroke or TIA.
Haemorrhagic stroke
A haemorrhagic stroke is due to bleeding in or around the brain. While less common than strokes that are caused by a blockage, they can be much more serious.
Can leg blood pressure measurements predict arm blood pressure to help prevent stroke?
This project will use data that has been collected through previous research studies to investigate the relationship between blood pressure measured in the arm and leg, and the risk of stroke.