Research Participants Needed: Testing an online tool to assess sleep after stroke
Type: Research
Researchers at the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh are looking for stroke survivors to take part in an online questionnaire to test a tool for diagnosing insomnia (issues with sleep) in people who have had a stroke.
Research Participants Needed: Testing online peer support for people living with long-term conditions
Type: Research
KCL are recruiting adults living with any long-term physical health condition(s), including the effects of stroke, to test their new peer support and self-help resources platform.
Research Participants Needed: Trial of Online Exercises for Speech (Dysarthria)
Type: Research
Researchers at the University of Manchester are looking for people who would like to test a new online Speech and Language platform for treating Dysarthria. In particular they will test if the platform is easy and enjoyable to use.
Research Participants Needed: Using experience-based co-design to develop a community-based exercise pathway for Adults with Neurological Physical Disability (Northern Ireland Based Opportunity)
Type: Research
Researchers at Ulster University are looking for people with a diagnosis of a neurological condition which causes physical disability to take part in a study to collaboratively develop community-based exercise
Research Participants Needed: Wearable Technologies to Support clinical Assessment for Stroke Rehabilitation - Perspectives of stroke survivors
Type: Research
Researchers at the University of Ulster invite participants for a study to understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of using smart insoles in stroke rehabilitation, as well as the usability and effectiveness of smart insoles for assessing gait impairments.
Research Participants Needed: What do stroke survivors think about motivation for rehabilitation, and how can therapists help?
Type: Research
Stroke survivors and their carers are invited to take part in a workshop to share your experience with rehabilitation (including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy) after stroke.
Research partnerships
Type: Research
We have several partner organisations which we co-fund research with, as well as other organisations we work with to increase the focus on stroke research.
Research Projects
Weston Speakability Group
Research Saves Lives